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[[REPEAL NDAA]] Ron Paul- Repeal sec. 1021
Ron Paul Moves to REPEAL NDAA Section 1021
Ron Paul- Repeal sec. 1021 of National Defense Authorization Act of 2012...
NDAA Floor Speech Jan 18 2012
Ron Paul introduces bill to repeal section of NDAA / Section 1021 equals police state
Ron Paul's Floor Speech to repeal Sec. 1021 of the NDAA Bill - Bill of Rights Trampled.
Merkley: NDAA is Still a Threat to our Constitution
Ron Paul Introduces Legislation to Strike Indefinite Detention Section from NDAA
Unconstitutional NDAA Provision Blocked By Federal Judge
Battle Raging Against NDAA
Judges to Review Constitutionality of NDAA Military Detention Legislation
@CSPAN @RonPaul on the #NDAA VIDEO today. Vote #RonPaul